Bots for Sales: Maximize Dealership’s Growth With DealerAI Automation

Have you heard of automated customer experience to increase your dealership’s sales and fuel growth? Of course, we’re talking about bots for sales or, to be precise, conversational AI chatbot’s with essential features that can help dealerships increase sales.

As you know, 92% of car buyers use digital platforms to source vehicle information before visiting the dealerships physically. So leading car businesses to think outside the box—how can they serve clients and answer their inquiries as efficiently as they can face-to-face?

In today’s digital age, it’s crucial to have a support system in place to automate your online customer service interactions. But, with the rise of online shopping and social media platform usage like Facebook, how do dealerships give each client the personalized care they deserve?

In today’s article, we discuss the use of bots for sales, their benefits, and how they can boost your dealership’s growth.

Bots for Sales: Benefits to Car Dealerships

Build Personal Connection With Prospective Car Buyers

Studies suggest that 66% of customers expect brands to understand their individual needs and expectations. But how can you achieve that online when you can’t speak to your customers face-to-face?

Well, bots for sales can help you automate the online chat with prospective automobile buyers and engage in a conversational exchange part of which you can collect valuable information about your client’s preferences and bring car buying experience online. Instead of running canned Q&A with online visitors, offering a more interactive, engaging conversation is the correct way to handle the pre-purchase phase to drive more sales. 

Execute Specific Tasks With Little or No Human Intervention

What’s the easiest way to grow any business? The answer is simple—it’s process automation. When car buyers look up a vehicle online, for example, on your website or Facebook, they naturally want to obtain more information or take further action.

Thanks to bots for sale, you can facilitate specific processes, provide instant support and share vehicle promotions while your sales team can monitor conversations and step in when needed.

Here are some of the tasks that bots for sale can handle:

  • Booking of sales appointments;
  • Scheduling of service appointments;
  • Arranging a test drive;
  • Browsing new vehicles;
  • Finding used cars;
  • Connecting with a sales rep.

When bots for sales can provide you with such a level of automation, running and growing your car sales business becomes easy.

Pre-qualify Leads to Maximize Conversions

You need potential car buyers to enter your sales pipeline, so you must engage them via their preferred channel. Bots for sales on Facebook, SMS text messages or your website can help you do that.

Conversational AI-powered chatbots can gauge the interests and preferences of your potential buyers, so you can adjust your offering and ensure they convert. The more effective you get at pre-qualifying your leads, the healthier profits you will see in the long run.

Boost Your Dealership’s Growth With DealerAI

Leveraging the right bots for sales is half the success of growing your dealership business.

DealerAI is the only fully automated customer experience chatbot for automotive dealerships. We help car dealerships automate live chat services to capture leads, provide instant inventory checks, answer car-related inquiries, book appointments, and more. 

As part of our product, our online chat software allows you to manage multiple channels simultaneously, such as your website, Facebook, and SMS conversations. 

Have a hands-off approach and maximize your car dealership’s growth with DealerAI.

Book a free demo today!

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